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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which use a logographic writing system and need larger font sizes.

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“There’s a good deal in common between the mind’s eye and the TV screen, and though the TV set has all too often been the boobtube, it could be, it can be, the box of dreams.”\nUrsula K. Le Guin\n\nSource: [[» Blog Archive » Brain Box: How television broke the minds of three generations and turned a Democracy into an empire.|]]
!Society and Sex Roles
Sex is biological yet there are cultural assumptions about it.

|relatively active|active|

There is an assumption about women's and men's works - women are more domestic, men do outside work. Today, women can do domestic & "outside" work.

''What is the reason for this dichotomy?''
Vegetables are seen as ordinary, while meat, difficult to obtain, is seen as a prestige item.
As a prestige item, there is the issue of distribution, which reflects the relationships among people.

Males become stigmatized when there is a switch of roles, i.e. when they become the "nurturers".

We see that the roles of women deem them as objects, while men, the users.
Ex: Eskimos can offer their wives to their visitors.

''Essentializing'' is natural.
!Body in Ritual Performances
How is the body ritualized?
*Competition, e.g. Arnis Competition
**Ritual kasi form lang yung tinitignan (?)
*Sports, e.g. basketball
**it may be like a ritual combat; there is a winner / loser
**war metaphors are used in sports sometimes by commentators...
*ritual performances
Things we noticed in the film showing:
**hand preference
**forceful vs. graceful
**martial / ritual
** *use of space
|Went in then went out|Used an incense; prayed for protection|

Ordinary Space is converted to a ritual space. In connection to the topic, this ensures the safety of the participants' bodies.

''Merpatih Putih'' - "white dove"
* An Indonesian group
* Focused on ritual type of breathing and movement

Mindful bodies reflect the cultural beliefs, norms that affect how our bodies move.

!Social Inscription of the Body

!Linguistic Anthropology
!!Difference between Sociolinguistics and Linguistic Anthropology
#''sociolinguistics'' focuses on the effects of society on language
#''anthropological linguistics'' focuses on how culture shapes the way we talk

''Cerebral Cortex'' is responsible for
*abstraction - to have concepts...

!!Examples of different language names
Chinese, specifically ''Mandarin'' is the most widely-spoken language in the world.

Mandarin actually refers to the elite. In China, they call their language Putonghua which means "common" or something like that. In Singapore, they call their Mandarin Mua-yi.

!!In the Philippine setting
There are ''171'' languages.

!!Language families
Examples: Indo-European, Germanic, Sino-Tibetan (tonal)

''Austronesian'' is the family of language that includes Filipino. 
*Its range is from Easter Island (S. America) to Madagascar.
*Uses duplication, agglutenation
*Consists of around 1200 languages

!!Language vs Dialect
Dialects are variations of language

!!Other "types" of language

''Paralanguage'' = nonverbal

''slang'' = informal


''Creole'' - pidgin pero maraming gumagamit?

!Era of Suppressed Nationalism (1902 - 1912)

#''1902'' Philippine Organic Act
## established colonial government in the Philippines
## there was one provision that gave civil rights / liberties (freedom of speech, assembly, etc.)
### from the US constitution

!!Laws that aided US suppression
#sedition law
## penalty : fine and imprisonment; pwede death penalty although this is anomalous
##legalized reconcentration of civilians, although bawal dapat
##any group that is against the US was considered brigands or bandits
###most famous example is Macario Sakay
#flag law
##prohibited the display of the Philippine flag in public
##abolished in 1919

!!Structure of the Colonial Government

!!Effects of the Era of Suppressed Nationalism
People defied the Americans through writing
##Aurelio Tolentino wrote "Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas". The title alludes to the pattern of questioning in the Katipunan
##Juan Abad
###Tanikalang Ginto (Chains of Gold) : Filipinos are compared to chains; nalinlang sa ginto ang mga #Pilipino
#El Renacimiento published in its editorial “Aves de Rapina” (Birds of Prey) about a man who preyed on his enemy the way an eagle, vulture, owl and a vampire do
#One example of Filipinos finding ways to break the laws during a play shown in Batangas. The actors formed the Philippine flag onstage.

!! How the Americans controlled the Filipinos through miseducation (???)
##pinapalabas na "mababait" ang mga Amerikano dahil may mga ibang bagay sa kasaysayan na hindi masyadong binibigyan ng diin katulad ng Philippine-American War, kaya't parang bukas nating binigay ang sarili natin sa mananakop dahil "binili" nila tayo at gusto nilang "pagandahin" ang ating buhay
###3 1/2 na taon tayong nakipaglaban sa mga Amerikano, higit pa sa 2 taon na laban sa Spain
#educational system
##primary education propagated American ideas
##naapektuhan ang susunod pang henerasyon, hanggang sa ngayon

!! Political Parties
These are institutions patterned to the American system

#Partido Federal
##gusto nilang maging state ang Philippines ng US, hence the name

Other parties were suppressed since anti-American sentiments were not allowed.

However in ''1907'' was the first elections for the Philippine Assembly
Two Parties:
#Federalistas/Partido Federal, which fought for assimilation
#Partido Nacionalista : complete and immediate independence

Voting Requirements at that time
#literate in English / Spain
#property owners

Even if this were the case, the Partido Nacionalista still won.

The Federalistas eventually changed their name to Partido Democrata.
# They were the minority party.
# One of the founders was Juan Sumulong, Cory Aquino's grandfather (?)

''1915'' Bicameral Legislature
# Senate - Upper House
# Lower House - House of Representatives
Both were composed of Filipinos.

The candidates in the election were the rich, educated, property owners. The representatives come from the elite. This is still the trend up to the present. AN ELITE DEMOCRACY.

Nagkaroon ng hidwaan sa parties.
''1935'' The divisions were:

!!American Educational System
!!!Positive Effects
# The Maura Law during the Spanish period set up primary and secondary schools in the Philippines. During the American period, the Philippine Organic Act provided the educational system in which there were
##primary schools in all towns
##secondary schools
##tertiary school - UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES (1908-)
#Characteristics of US Education
##idea of excellence
##compulsary education for primary level
##boys and girls had the same subjects
##coed during the university level
##secular - deemphasized religion
##emphasis on science and math
##emphasis on new knowledge; more modern in outlook and open to new ideas
##method of teaching does not support corporal punishment and instead, a reward system
##medium of interaction : bilingual
#tumaas ang literacy rate ng Pilipinas
##by 1946, 65% can read and write
#more economic opportunities for Filipinos
#increased number of middle class citizens
#Filipinos were given professional training
#introduction of new knowledge
#positive American cultural elements entered the Philippines
##celebration of events such as Valentine's Day, Christmas

!!!Negative effects
#sense of history is distorted
#upper class Filipinos wre given more advantage because they could have higher level of education
#distorted perception of the US
#acceptance of wrong/inappropriate values
##individualism was not important to Filipinos before. Filipinos are more family-oriented.
##certain values declined
#acceptance of negative aspects of American culture
##lack of modesty
#thinking of Filipino leadership aligned to US interests
!Social Inscription of the Body
* ''purdah'' means seclusion
* ''abaya'' means overrobe
* veil comes from the word ''hijab''; a material object that has a lot of meanings attached to it

Hijab may mean a lot of things:
* amulet
* barrier
|scrutiny from others|maintaining distance|
|unwanted contact|keeping privacy|
* gatekeepers
** guards, sikyu, teachers (filtering what you should learn), parents, media people, organization officers, moderators
**example: putting a "veil" on academic freedom
***some topics are sensitive
****religion ; you should teach, not preach, in class
* curtain - same as barrier in meaning
* diaphragm - for population control; metaphor for protection from unwanted sexual contact

!!Meanings of the Veil
!!!According to insiders
#symbolizes status (marriage, wealth, religion)
#honor; dignity ("treat me with respect")
#portable privacy in which
##one's physical body is protected from intrusion
##you can protest against authority

!!!The outsider's view
* repression

''There is one action but different interpretations.''


Why is a written language important?
* preserving culture
* medical knowledge
* etc

Examples of alphabets
* Roman alphabet (abcd...)
* Cyrillic alphabet (Russian)
* Greek alphabet
* Vietnamese alphabet

Examples of Syllabaries
* Katakana
* Hiragana
* Alibata

Example of Logographies
* Chinese symbol for man
**upper half = strength, lower half = field : strength on the field
**picture of a person kneeling down

Tagalog characteristics
*not gender-conscious
*can omit the subject, eg "Umuulan."

*origin of words
** Tsugi came from the comics ("Chug!")

Phonemes - smallest unit of sound in a language

Morphemes - smallest unit of sound that conveys meaning

arkaeos - ancient
logos - study

Review purpose of US colonization (raw materials, etc.)

The economic policies are the result of laws approved by the US congress -- all in the interest of the Americans.

! Policies of the US
#economic rehabilitation
##importation of rice from other countries
***a result of the famine
##construction of roads
***to benefit economic activities
##control retail trade [[of small store owners?]]
#friar lands
**1/2 of the lands in the Philippines were owned by religious orders in the Spanish period
**''Friar Lands Law'' : The American colonial government bought lands of religious orders and distributed / sold them to the tenants.
**The gov't alloted P7 million pesos for this
**however, the selling price was too high that no tenant can afford the lands, so the richer families bought them. The problem of tenancy in the Philippines was not sold.
**Filipinos manual workers were brought to places that required labor
***Hawaii, California, Alaska (canning industry)
**Workers were exploited.
***low pay
***bad working conditions
***given work Americans did not want to do, like cleaning toilets, removing fish entrails...
**many American companies invested in the Philippines
##Multinational Companies like Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble
##small businessmen
##mining industries
***Philippines was once the 3rd largest exporter of gold.
##commercial enterprises
***equivalent of shopping malls . . . brought the latest fashion
***Escolta was the prime business district.
#land titles
**enactment of land laws
**real property owned by individuals should be titled
**the purpose is to protect property owners
**however, those who could have land titles were the rich/educated Filipinos or Americans. 
*** result: land grabbing became rampant.
**there were limits imposed on land ownership (1000 hectares is the most you can own) but somehow some people were able to elude this law (by entitling their heirs, etc.)
##brewery of serbesa
##paggawa ng lubid
##paggawa ng asukal
#free trade
**means that there are no trade barriers
**principle: a country will export a product that has great production and import what it needs
**in the Philippines, there was an imbalance:
###different levels of development between the US and the Philippines
***Philippines is an agricultural economy while the US is a major industrial power
###Philippines was a colony while the US was the colonizer
**the US imposed conditions on the Philippines that was favorable to it
**Free Trade was implemented through a series of laws passed by the US Congress:
###1902 ''US Tariff Law'' : American products will only pay 75% of their tariff
###1909 ''US-Philippines Free Trade (Payne-Aldrich) Act''
****American products will not pay tariff. Philippine products do not have a tariff but a ''quota''.
###1914 ''Underwood-Simmons Act''
****revised Payne-Aldrich Act
****Philippine products exported to the US will not have quota limitations
****This is because there was a greater demand for Philippine products in the American market.
###1935 ''Tydings-McDuffie Law (Philippine Independence Act)''
****free trade would be phased out by increasing the tariff
****Philippine products have an increase in tariff; US -> Philippines still has no tariff.
###1939 ''Philippine Economic Readjustment Act''
****free trade would be phased out but instead of increasing tariff, the quota would be decreased
****This was because FT was not favorable to the Americans anymore.
###1946 ''Philippine Free Trade Relations Act or Bell Trade Act'' (Daniel Bell)
****Free trade would not be phased out; it will be enforced when the Philippines become independent
****bec FT would be favorable again to the Americans
!!Advantages of Free Trade
#growth of agricultural production
#trade and commerce was expanded
#more employment opportunities
#improvement in infrastructures -- in roads, railroads and road facilities
#higher standards of living through American commodities
#general prosperity of the Philippines
**like in Central Luzon -- in places where there were cash crops, the advancements in infrastructure, for example, were evident
!!Disadvantages of Free Trade
**cash crops (abaka, coconut oil, sugar) were being exported to US
**monocropping - one product produced in one wide area
###soil was depleted of fertility
###pests (would not have happened if there was crop diversity)
#food shortage
**especially in palay, bigas
**we started importing rice. we were providing for other people but neglecting our own
# employees were exploited
**ex: the Sakada were the seasonal plantation workers in Negros. They lost their lands. They were given a 25-40 cents per 12-14 hours wage compared to the minimum wage of 1 peso per 9 hours
#selective developments
**provinces with cash crops were developing, but other provinces were left behind
**means buying products not out of need but out of want
**people bought products just because they were status symbols (Coke, chocolate)
**the biggest import of the Philippines was candies
**"we sell cheap but buy dear" -- accdg to Renato Constantino. Logic: we sell the US the raw materials (sugar, oil..) and then buy the expensive, processed products from our own materials
#temporary prosperity
**the Americans can cut affiliation with the Philippines any time
#no industrialization; no protective tariff
#political future of the Philippines : we had to adjust to America since it is our only trading partner
!Social Inscription & the Reproduction of Bodies
* beauty
* health, e.g. malusog (fat / healthy)
* superiority / inferiority
* class
* intelligent, nerds, jocks, etc.
* macho, lampayatot
* sexy
**females, coca-cola body, "anorectic", hipon, gulay
!!How are norms written on the body
*body size and shape
*skin color
** a biological yet culturally interpreted
**American standards (hierarchical) : White, Black, Asian
**iba rin sa Brazilian [refer to handouts]
**Filipino classes of skin color (darkest -> lightest)
###negra, ita, baluga, puwit ng kawali, nognog
###kayumangging kulay tutong
###kayumangging kaligatan (coffee)
###morena / kulay tsiko, kastañas
###kape't gatas
###parang labanos
###anak ng engkanto
"Peacetime" ng mga Pilipino daw yung panahon ng Amerikano dahil maunlad at mapayapa ang buhay and it's a time between two conflicts; an improvement on past condition.
Distorted ang view natin ng America bilang "benevolent colonizers".
*pinapakita ito ng play ni Juan Abad na "Tanikalang Ginto" : nasisilaw tayo sa prosperity kaya't di natin napapansin na nakagapos tayo.
!!Mga nagawa ng mga Amerikano para sa Public Health System
#pagpapatayo ng hospitals at health centers (originally health offices)
**two big hospitals na pinagawa
###North General Hospital - now San Larazo Complex
###South General Hospital - now PGH
**may "free amendment treatment": lahat tatanggapin
#mahusay na water system at sewage system
**gumawa naman ang Spanish nito ngunit sa Intramuros lamang
**pinalitan ng America ang lumang system (mga balon na easily contaminated, pagsalok)
**naging malawakan ang sewage system
**pinakilala ang pump... closed water system at pipes
**provinces were encouraged [to have water systems?]
#health education
**about microbes, nutrition, etc.
**marami kasing Filipino ang superstitious
**dapat lahat mabakunahan
**epekto: tumaas ang population growth at bumaba ang infant mortality
#urban planning
**Halimbawa ng mga siyudad na iplinano:
***Manila - nabansagang "Pearl of the Orient", pinakamalinis of all SEA cities
***Baguio - literal na "summer capital" kasi pumupunta dun ang government officials pag summer
!Independence Movement
The political struggle of Filipino leaders to obtain independence from US.

Ang ''independence'' ay isang karapatan. During the American period, independence was not a right but a grant to the Filipinos from the US.

In order to prove that we deserve our independence, we underwent a period of "tutelage" under the US.
!!!(1902) ''Philippine Organic Act''
*basis for the colonial government set up in the Philippines
*one of the provisions was the Bill of Rights
**mga karapatan ng mga mamamayan, e.g. right to vote (for men)
!!!There are certain requirements for voting:
#property rights
#political party system
#pagsusulong ng independence
!!!Political parties formed in the Philippines
#1902 Federal 
#1907 Nacionalista
**in preparation for the elections through Philippine Assembly

Government in the Philippines depends on the political party of the current US president.
!!!Two political parties in the US
#Democrats - pro-independence
#Republicans - anti-independence
**the first gov-gen Taft is a Republican. He advised that the Philippines be under tutelage for 100 years.
!!!(1915) Philippine Autonomy Act (Jones Law)
*provides provinces with representatives in the Philippine Assembly
**Manuel Quezon represented Tayabas
**Sergio Osmeña represented Cebu
Quezon was sent to the US as a Philippine representative in congress. He approved the Philippine Autonomy Law.

In 1915, the legislative branch was made bicameral, consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Manuel Quezon became Senate President. Sergio Osmeña became Speaker of the House.

Another political party established was Partido Democrata
*some popular members were Juan Sumulong and Claro Recto
!!Paano isinulong ang independence ng Philippine ng mga political parties?
#Independence Missions
#Philippine Independence Commission
**a body that coordinates activities towards independence
**Philippine Press Bureau
***coordinates ...

''Woodrow Wilson'' - President of US; a democrat; logically appointed a democrat as gov. gen of the Phil.

''Gov. General Francis B. Harrison''
*pro-Filipino unlike Forbes and Taft
*in his term, the cabinet members all became Filipinos except for one American in the Dept. of Public Instruction / Education (implication: education is important for the Americans)
1920 ''Leonard Wood''
*binawi yung positions na binigay sa Filipinos
*as a result, nagkaroon ng ''cabinet crisis'' - conflict between Filipino cabinet members vs gov. general
*nagresign en masse ang cabinet members over the issue of the corrupt officer
*1934 ''Philippine Independence Law''
**Franklin Roosevelt - president of the US at that time
!!Criticisms about [Philippine Politics?]
#Nacionalista Party is dominant
#Elite democracy - gov't is dominated by elite
#Philippine politics is also dominated by personalities rather than issues
!!Independence Missions
*composed of Filipinos na magsusulong ng independence bill sa US
*these Filipinos appear to be pro-independence but according to Claro M. Recto:
##they were only building up the image of the Nacionalista Party
##funding (for travel, etc.) came from the American colonial government
***when this was noted, the new source of funding came from the plantation owners, who are AGAINST the independence missions
##money could have been used for other things
##nauuwi sa "junkets" ang pera
***may picture na si Manuel Quezon ay nasa resort sa Florida at umiinom ng champagne kasama ang Hollywood Stars
##the gift of independence will not be based on Filipino readiness but on America's interests. Kapag naging liability tayo, saka tayo irerelease.
***eventually... this will be proven to be true.
!!Crises in the US during the 1930s
#1929 ''Crash of Wall Street''
**wall street - kalye ng financial institutions sa America
**nagsara ang businesses, banks, etc.
**this lead to unemployment
**the conditions eventually lead to the ''great depression''
#1931 The Rise of Fascist countries
##Germany - Adolf Hitler; industrialized nation
##Italy - Benito Mussolini
##Japan - at that time, Emperor Hirohito... nagkaroon ng military coup d'etat
***gustong magbuo ng empire sa Asia
Kaya't parang liability nga ang Pilipinas sa US at that time.
!!Independence Laws
1934 ''Philippine Independence Act'' Hare-Hawes-Cutting
#independence after 10 years after the passage of the law
#may transition government
**autonomous government (Commonwealth Gov't of the Philippines) that will last for 10 years
**provisions on free trade, etc.
This law was approved with the assistance of the ''Os-Rox mission'' (Osmeña + Roxas). Kailangan na lamang iratify sa senate. Manuel Q was not happy with the Hare-Hawes-Cutting law. Magkakaroon ng elections pag niratify niya. Baka hindi siya manalo kasi di siya yung "bida".
So he disapproved the HHC act, and went to the US (Quezon Mission) to lobby another law, called the ''Tydings-McDuffie Law'' / Philippine Independence Act. The law was approved again, and the senate ratified the law (kasi si Quezon ang senate president).

So what's the difference between the HHC law and the Tydings-McDuffie law? Wala.

During the elections, Quezon won as president with Osmeña as his vice president ("niligawan" daw siya ni Quezon para mapunta sa side niya).
His opponents were Emilio Aguinaldo (for president) and Gregorio Aglipay (vice president) - who obviously lost.
!!Why was the Philippines a liability to the US?
!!!Pro-independence factions
#US agricultural sector
**Philippine products were competing with American products
#US labor sector
**Fil. laborers were competing with American workers [kahit Filipinos do jobs Americans won't do in the first place]
#Patriotic orgs
**inferior daw ang Filipinos; nadidilute ang whiteness nila
**ayaw nila maglaban ang US at Japan
**ilaglag ang Philippines para maiwasan kasi nasa Pacific ang Philippines
#Elite Filipinos
**plantation owners who want free trade to ensue
#US manufacturers
**rely on the Philippines for raw materials, e.g. sugar
#Manila Americans
**Americans living in the Philippines who have their own businesses
**if the Philippines became independent, hindi na sila bibigyan ng favor, pati may economic crisis ang US kaya ayaw nila bumalik
**American military officials
**US should remain in Asia to counter Japan's power because the Philippines is part of the US defense system

''Naging mas mabigat ang points ng Pro-Independence kaya inapprove ang Independence Law.''

''Race'' - a cultural classification
*In Filipino - ''lahi'', a ''cultural'' term meaning
***these meanings @@imply time from past to present@@
!!Skin color
The basis for race are biological differences but culturally interpreted. Skin color is biological.
Filipinos ascribe different meanings to skin color as well.
*dark skin - associated with labor; fairer skin - do not usually work
*social classes are tied to color
*there is a conflict between ''mainstream vs. marginal'' in skin color

Some marriage practices are influenced by this kind of class system.

Gender is another dimension to skin color; some colors are pleasing to males and females.

Skin color as stereotypes goes way back to a hundred years ago. Afro-Americans today are still discriminated against.
*uses ''inference''

*there are different stratas
*the context of these stratas will be figured out

!!Examples of Dating methods
''Radiocarbon dating''
''Radio luminescence''
''Dendrochronology'' - examines trees

!!Applications of Archaeology
*through determining the reasons for the rise and fall of civilizations
*you see solutions and problems in the past
*thesis: falls of civilizations are due to environmental stresses, greedy elites...
*by understanding our past, we understand our present

''Urbanization'' - large groups living together
* will bring about structures; faster knowledge acquisition because of competition, faster transmission

!Physical Anthropology
''Biological Anthro'' includes ''physical anthro'' (associated with fossils)
''Homo Sapiens'' - interest of physical anthro

Biological Anthro is mainly about ''genetics'' and ''ecology''

- DNA : the building blocks
- double helix

*discrete unit
*contains certain characteristics

* 23 pairs
**1 each from nanay and tatay
**22 autosomes
**1 sex chromosome




**one of the factors: environment
!Influences of US
**we use English words in our vocabulary : istambay, bulakbol
**National Museum
**Tourism Building
!Positive effects of US occupation [to our culture]
#democratic equality
**during the Spanish period, there was a great social gap; during the American period, naging popular na ang concept of equality
#science & technology
**scientific knowledge became more accessible
#openness to new ideas, esp. to outside influences
!Negative effects of US occupation [to our culture]
#lack of modesty, esp. to women
**uso sa mga Amerikano ang prostitution, skimpy clothing
**nawala ang Maria Clara ideal
#pagmumura - nadagdagan pa
**vote buying
**election rigging

!Commonwealth Government
Sakop ng mga Filipinos ang domestic affairs; mga Amerikano pa rin ang humahawak ng foreign relations

''US High Commissioner''
*representative of the US to the Philippines
*oversees how FIlipinos manage their gov't
*Frank Murphy
**the last governor-general and the first US High Commissioner
!!Structure of the Commonwealth Government
*Vice President
*Cabinet and Departments
*Provincial Government
From Unicameral naging Bicameral, consisting of:
*House of Representatives
*Supreme Court
*Lower [???]
!!Problems of the Commonwealth Government
!!!Social Justice
*'major problem ang ''Landlordism'' - exploitation of landless poor by rich; landlords became richer in US period
*originally a Marxist term
*Two factions most affected by social justice
##tenants / agricultural
##urban workers / industrial workers
!!!!Manifestations of Social Injustice
#Peasant / agrarian revolts
**ex: Moncadista (Mindanao)
**happened in Hacienda lands, showing problem in landlordism
#tulisan/bandit groups
**commit criminal activities
#Marxist orgs
##Socialist Party
***Socialism - nakabase sa paniniwala na ang kayamanan ay dapat na pagmamay-ari ng lahat
***founder: Pedro Abad Santos
##Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (PKP)
***Founders: Evangelista & Manahan
*** mas radical; objective: pabagsakin ang Commonwealth gov't
#labor unions / peasant organizations
**nanghihingi ng reporma
!!!!Mga solutions ng Commonwealth Government
#kontrata between landlord and tenants; hatian 50:50
#agricultural loans
#agricultural technical assistance
#pagpapagawa ng roads sa rural areas
There should have been a land reform program that distributed land. Hindi ito nabuo dahil ang mga members ng gob ay mga landowners. Ang elite ay naging sagabal na naman.
!!!!Lunas sa Urban workers
#minimum wage law
#bawal ang child labor
#karapatan na magbuo ng union
#labor courts para sa labor arbitration
!!!!Reasons why the SJ program was not effectice
#suppressed activist groups
#police and military used to suppress peasant orgs.
#refusal ng marami na maimplement ang law
Eventually these reasons caused the Hukbalahap to rebel
!!!Free Trade Problem
Quezon gov't must deal with phasing out Free Trade and making the Philippines independent
#diversity in agricultural production
**dapat iexpand ang ibang produkto na may market sa ibang bansa pero makakatugon sa mga pangangailangan ng mga Filipino
#paghahanap ng ibang trade partners, e.g. Japan, China
**hindi naindustrialize yung Philippines, compared to Japan, na dati mas kulelat sa Philippines pero naunahan tayo
**small factories were built - for lata, food, paper and textile industries
**problems why there was no development for industrialization
###lack of capital; the rich would rather invest in land
###Chinese ang pumasok sa industries
###kakulangan ng scientific expertise; many Filipinos entered liberal arts
###competition with American goods entering Free Trade; walang limits ang US products
###walang protective tariff: magpapalaki ng tax ng imported products (what Japan did with its cars)
*Eventually FT was resumed in 1946.
!!!National Defense Act (Commonwealth Act. 1)
Based on the military recommendations of adviser, Douglas MacArthur
#Philippine army + 400000 reservists in 10 years (40K will be trained a year)
#airforce - 10-20 airplanes
#navy - 50 ships
#arms industry - magtatayo ng production ng weapons, ammunitions
#war plan - WP Rainbow
**balak ni MacArthur na pag aggressive na ang Japan, magpapadala ng airstrike
#US bases (???)
''December 8'' - start of Japanese attack
!!!!Accomplishments of National Defense Act
#40000 Philippine soldiers lamang ang natrain dahil sa kakulangan ng equipment, compared to over 100000 Japanese soldiers
#air force - 10 planes
**noong una, ang ginamit ay ang discarded airplanes ng US na binigay sa Phil; they eventually crashed
**airplanes used are from WWI, called ''tutubi airplanes'' dahil maliit
**Pilot Ace
***Colonel Jesus Villamor
***bayaning maraming napabagsak na Japanese airplanes
**2 mosquito boats ang nagamit
**pamprotekta sa Manila lamang
**alam ito ng mga Japanese kaya ibang parts ng Manila ang sinugod
**Corregidor - protected Mla
#minor industries made knapsacks, sapatos, but not ammunition
#hindi abot ng range ng Philippines ang Japan for an air strike
**War Plan Rainbow became Orange, isang defensive plan na lamang
***ayon kay MacArthur, magpapadala ng naval convoy with arms ang US; hindi inapprove ng US
!!!!!Bakit hindi tayo tinulungan ng US
War games were held in the Philippines to assess our defense system. The US saw that the Philippines can't be defended kasi archipelago siya, unless it has a great defense system like Japan's. Decision: Wag bigyan ng support.
!!!!!Why was the war with Japan impossible?
#refusal of US to give help; it was thinking of its own interest. It gave its support to Europe and Great Britain but not to the Philippines, to Quezon's dismay.
#economic capability of the Philippines; we were still an agricultural nation
!!!!Quezon's plans
#Philippine deposits will be withdrawn from the American bank. This was not approved until 1944, when the war was almost over.
#non-aggression pact with Japan
**however, the Philippines cannot make a pact with another country because we were still under the commonwealth gov't / US rule
**Thailand and Indonesia, on the other hand, made agreements
!Death Without Weeping
!!What was disturbing in this article?
* babies dying
* mothers don't cry
*it's normal within the catholic church
*it's normal (from our perspective) to treat babies
*villagers laugh at your efforts to save babies
*extreme circumstances = extreme pragmatism
* not much maternal attachment
!!Infancy Mortality Rate
9.5 pregnancies
1.5 - stillborn
3.5 - death
4.5 - survivors

*45% of all mortality is child mortality under 5
*70% of child deaths within 3-6 months [old? - clarify]
!!Causes of death: 
!!How about children from 6-17?
They are most likely to die of violence
* street violence - thugs, gang wars, etc.
* state violence
** because many children will look for "alternative" sources of income
**there is an uneasy relationship between the state and the individual

It's interesting to note that in "Bom Jesus de Mata", the name of the village
matar - to kill
mata - shrub

Crucified Christ = like the living death they face everyday

"favela" means shantytown
!!Why won't mothers cry
#@@Cultural logic... children are lead to their destiny... to be with Jesus or smth.@@
#maternal affection begins around 3-6 months
#parents are more concerned with survival
!Biological Anthropology
#''genotype'' - genetic identity of an individual; not outward
#''phenotype'' - physical expression of genes
#''alleles'' - One of two or more alternative forms of a gene; for example, one allele of the gene for eye color codes for blue eyes, while another allele codes for brown eyes. //(
#''dominant gene'' - A gene which, when present on a chromosome, passes on a certain physical characteristic, even when the gene is present in only one copy. A dominant disorder can be inherited from only one parent. //(
#''recessive gene'' - kailangan ng both tatay at nanay genes para mapakita ang characteristic
''The Genetic Theory of Harry Potter''
As almost everyone above the age of 3 knows, the Harry Potter novels depict a world divided into people who possess magical powers (wizards and witches) and those who do not (Muggles). Not everyone can be a wizard; indeed, after careful review of the evidence, the authors of the Nature letter concluded that wizards evidently inherit their gifts from their parents as predicted by the theories of the 19th-century geneticist Gregor Mendel.

Apparently, wizardry (or the lack thereof) is determined by a linked pair of genes, or alleles, that you inherit from your parents, one allele from each parent. The researchers hypothesized that wizardry is a recessive trait, like blue eyes, meaning that an individual who inherits from his parents one wizard allele and one Muggle allele (wM or Mw) will not display wizarding powers. Only individuals with two wizard alleles (ww) will display magical powers. Such individuals - like Harry and his nemesis, Draco Malfoy - are more likely to be born to parents who possess ww genes.

But children born of mixed marriages need not necessarily live a life of Mugglehood: those with a pure-blood wizard father (ww) and a part-Muggle mother (Mw) can inherit the precious ww genes. Children can also inherit the trait when neither parent is a wizard but both carry the wizard gene (Mw). Here the researchers cited Harry's friend Hermione Granger, the child of two Muggle dentists, as an example of the recessive allele surfacing against the odds.
Relationship of Species and Environment
**Philippines? - 35000 animal species; 15000 plant species
**subspecies (dog, wolf)
!!!Kinds of Ecosystems
*savannas - grasslands
!!!!Marine environment
*coral reefs
*sea grass
Salt+fresh water
#Natural Selection
**''Charles Darwin'' originally called this ''transmutation''. He went to ''Galapagos Islands'' and studied finches. Their beaks adapted to their diet, which depended on the type of ecosystem.
**''Alfred Wallace'' also came up with natural selection.
**Sometimes ''sexual selection'' is use; a beneficial trait that will enable you to survive in order to mature and reproduce will be included in the gene pool.
**''Mutation'' will cause random genes to come about. Ex. with short necked giraffe (hypothetical) - mutation will produce long-neck genes and subsequently long-necked giraffes. Eventually, the environment will change, for example - taller trees will emerge, giving the longer-necked giraffes an advantage. They will survive, and their gene gets to enter the gene pool. So nature talaga yun nagseselect [kung sino magsusurvive].
!!!Sources of variation
##genetic recombination (via sexual/asexual reproduction)
##gene flow
***through the organism itself when it migrates?
##genetic drift
***cutting off with the original population
***''founder effect'' : a new population will start to develop
***speculation: new species arises; this new species will not be able to interbreed with another
##nonrandom mating
***ex. endogamy
#environmental changes (?)
!World War II and the Japanese occupation of the Philippines
The Philippines cannot resist invasion from the Japanese because:
#The Philippines lays in the path from Japan to Indonesia, which Japan wanted to conquer primarily
#The Philippines was a part of American territory with its bases - naval and air
!!How did WWII start
*August 1939 - Germany invaded Poland
*Germany's major opponent was Great Britain.
*Germany, Italy and Japan signed an agreement : ''axis powers''
*The ''allied'' nations were UK, US, France (though nakuha siya ng Germany na)
*The Philippines, under the US, was part of the Allied nations.
*''December 7 1941'' Bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
**the biggest naval installation of the US in the Pacific
*''December 8 1941'' Japanese vs. American military bases in the Philippines
**discrepancy is due to the international date line

''Franklin Delano Roosevelt''
*the president of the US at that time
*called the Japanese attack a "sweep attack" and for this, the US congress declared war vs. the Axis powers (may agreement sila na magkakampi silang 3 eh)
!!!Interpretations of the Pearl Harbor Event
American historians see this as a bait to show Japan as the aggressors. If Japan attacks, the US can help Great Britain.
!!!!Conditions during the bombing
#radar installations were not working to detect Japanese attackers
#walang sinabihan sa Pearl Harbor noong nag-break down ang Japanese-American negotiations
#findings ng American military intelligence na Japan made a replica of Pearl Harbor para pagpraktisan ng pagbomba. Hindi ito sinabi sa Pearl Harbor
#noong inumpisahan yung bombings, yung warning papuntang Pilipinas ay pinadala lamang sa commercial cable, hindi sa military cable na mas mabilis.
!!Attack on the Philippines
''Clark airbase''
*walang resistance kasi walang warning; as a result, napasabugan yung lahat ng planes. mga ''tutubi airplanes'' na lamang ang natira.
''Clark Sangley Point''
*ships oil storage
''What happened to Manila?''
*it became a open city, meaning walang military operations at civilian resistance lamang
*Japanese nonetheless bombed Manila
Roosevelt ordered Quezon, Osmeña and other cabinet members to go to the US para hindi makacollaborate with Japanese. From Corregidor, they went to Australia, then the US.

''USAFFE'' United States Armed Forces in the Far East
*commandeered by Douglas MacArthur
''WP Orange''
*plan of retreat to Bataan and to wait for the US convoy (there was none)
MacArthur went back to the US, following Roosevelt's orders, and radioed back the message "I shall return."
''Japanese military administartion''
**Jorge Vargas was ordered to remain in the Phlippines to deal with Japanese; rep of the Philippines
**Jose Abad Santos, a Filipino official was outspoken in his anti-Japan sentiments. He was executed.
Filipino American troops continued to fight but eventually surrendered.
''Fall of Bataan (April 9 1942)''
*only the Philippines put up a resistance against Japan
*event is honored even in Australia; we saved Australia from Japanese occupation
*POWs ang troops; they were forced to walk
!!Japanese Policies
#reorganization of municipal and provincial governments
#pangako na magbigay ng independence earlier than US
**iisa lang na candidato for gov't - Jose Laurel
***he was not pro-american; he even said NO to the commissioning of Filipinos in the Japanese army
***after liberation, he was brought to Japan
**this government was called "puppet republic" kasi orchestrated lamang
#pagtatayo ng political orgs, like KALIBAPI
The Japanese economic policies can be described in one word: plunder.
#confiscation of food for army, resulting in a rice shortage
**the people resorted to eating sisid rice (nakalubog sa tubig)
#currency deposits
**currency is backed up by gold bouillons to be legit, but Japanese took these gold gold bouillons
**ginamit instead ay Mickey Mouse money - kasi parang laruan
**this resulted in ''runaway inflation'' - pataas nang pataas ang halaga ng pera
#industries like factories; binaklas ang metals at pinadala sa Japan
**nawala ang mga factories
#censorship - sa publications, etc.
**promoted Japanese sentiments sa radio broadcasts, etc.
#educational system
**pinagbawal ang English; Tagalog dapat
**history should be taught by Filipinos only
**pagsusulat sa Tagalog
***pagtuturo ng Niponggo
***kaugalian - bowing
***collective exercises sa umaga to instill discipline
!!Responses of Filipinos
#Guerrilla Movement
**Armed resistance vs. Japanese Military
**included Commonwealth officers, military officers, provincial and municipal officials, ordinary people
###to sabotage Japanese military
###encourage civilian resistance
###transmit info about Japanese to US through radio
###HUKBALAHAP - PKP military arm
****nagbigay ng land reforms
****Wenceslao Q Vinzons - leader
###Ferdinand Marcos & Maharlika
****guerrilla group ni Marcos after the war
****pero nakikipagcollaborate sa Japanese
**effectivity: kept up people's morale
#civilian resistance
**helps guerrilla groups
#individual and personal resistance
**usually shown through humor
**ex. "Pugo & Tugo"
***punned on Kalibapi -> Kalibabi (babi means baboy)
''Delirio de fome''
*the madness of hunger (Portuguese)
*when people are hungry enough, they do things that are usually considered mad, i.e. allowing the child to die
''The role of institutions'' [in dealing with this madness is made clearer]
*Medical establishments
**treated [madness] as a sickness that can be treated by medicine but not recognized as hunger, the cause of which is social
''Political Economy''
*ability to impose order, closely intertwined with political power
''Power Structures''
*affect our own bodies - symbolically and physically
''Society and Sex Roles''
*have a biological basis
**we are divisible into two sexes M & F
***males are symbolized by Mars - representing spear and shield, implying warrior...ism 
***females are symbolized by Venus - representing a mirror... implying that they are vain?

Educational system affect gender roles.

There are cultural assumptions also about being male and female.
Genetics and ecology interact. 

Ecosystems have a system of succession (plants).
* Savannas may have evolved from forests. Deserts may have evolved from savannas.
!Classification of Humans
(Mnemonics: ''K''ings ''p''lay ''c''hess ''o''n ''f''ine ''g''reen ''s''and.)

Examples of other classes
*Aves - birds
*[???]Monstremes - platypus
Other primates include
*apes - gorillas, chimps (including bonobos)
!!What are some differences bet apes and monkeys
*apes are larger
*apes use their hands
!!Evolution of Man
**A.africanus (Lucy)
**''ecotones'' - overlap of ecosystems, i.e. region betwen grasslands and forests is an ecotone
**H. habilis - handy man
***used tools
***may have used gestures
***coexisted with H. Sapiens
**H. Floresiensis[sp?]
!!What makes humans different from other apes?
#large brain with developed cortex
#prehensile thumbs
#reduced canines / incisors
#prolonged childhood
!Defeat of the Japanese Forces : "Liberation"
General Douglas MacArthur
*used ''island hopping'' strategy (1942-1944)
**going to one island occupied by the Japanese, Germans to another
**reached Marianas Islands in Guam; decided to go the Philippines
''Battle of the Philippine Sea'' - won by the US
MacArthur landed in Leyte with Osmeña (since Quezon was dead, he was the new president). This event is called the ''Leyte Landing''.

''Why did the Americans return to the Philippines?''
*they wanted to rescue the US soldiers, who will be killed by the Japanese
In 1945, the Japanese decided to kill everyone. Around 200000 people were killed. Manila was the "second most devastated city in WWII". When the American ships arrived at Manila, they were welcomed by the people. The Americans were more loved by the Filipinos.

''General Yamashita''
*nakatakas sa Mountain Province with his soldiers
*he surrendered and was sentenced to death, although hindi naman siya ganun kalupit, according to historians
!Pagbabalik ng Commonwealth Gov't
!!Question of Backpay
*there were demands to pay employees. Osmeña agreed.
*the Philippine congress had to be convened. The first law passed was the Backpay Law
##walang resources
##mataas mga sweldo ng elite.. dapat sa gov't officials mapupunta yung backpay
*people who had enthusiastically collaborated with Japanese should be punished
*the decision was to establish ''people's courts''
**collaborators could be accused of a crime and undergo trial
***Laurel, Recto, Vargas
**however, hindi triny si Roxas, a known collaborator
***MacArthur himself stated that Roxas was not a collaborator for
####Roxas was his personal friend and was doing him a favor
####Osmeña was against MacArthur so MacArthur helped Roxas
*hindi na patas
*as a solution, ''General Amnesty'' was given to anyone accused of collaboration
*this was a responsibility of the US
*Senator Millard Tydings alloted 100 million dollars for reconstruction of buildings and no more than this
**kasama sa 100 million ay ang military surplus : food, equipment used by US in the liberation of the Philippines
***GP vehicles (general purpose vehicles) which evolved into jeepneys
***quonset hut -> gym
BTW: Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed by the US, hence ending the war.
!!Guerilla Groups
They had to be dismantled. They had to surrender their arms and they could be recognized through medals and awards. Many were legitimate through statement and supporting evidence. Marcos however faked these documents. He used the accomplishments of OTHER guerilla leaders. His Maharlika Guerillas were only involved in one or two battles. They sold metal to the Japanese, indirectly supplying them with bullets to fire the Filipinos with.

However in the case of Hukbalahap, this did not happened. The Huks were an effective and disciplined group and were the military arm of PKP. The American forces under MacArthur arrested the HUks because they were part of the ''communist group''. But actually, they were arrested because the Hukbalahap wanted to dismantle the American government.

''Democratic Alliance'' 
*name of new group of PKP
*had candidates for Philippine republic - congress
*around 4 Huk members won but this was fraudulent according to Roxas
*hence, the members were expelled kaya naging underground ang group
!Preparations for Independence
Saklaw rito ang isyu ng neo-colonialism. Neo-colonialism is a manifestation of imperialism. While colonialism was a direct rule, neo-colonialism was indirect; imperialist power still directs order through the national elite (political elite... those who have powerful positions) kasi nakikinabang sila.

After the Second World War, there were two factions in the ''Cold War'' (no outright confrontation).
|US|Soviet Russia|
|Europe (GB - even Italy, Germany... and Japan)|communist countries|
the difference between these two countries is the economic system used. The other one was democrat and capitalist while the other one was totalitarian and socialist.
!!How is NC implemented
#Through economic rehabilitation
*100 million was used sa pangangailangan ng Philippines by means of domination
!!!Bell Trade Act
#free trade will be continued for 20 years
#free trade will bephased out for 20 years
#parity rights granted to American citizens and companies
#640 million dollars for rehabilitation
!!!Implications of the Bell Trade Act
#Parang colony pa rin tayo since walang pagbabago; free trade was not terminated. Magkakaroon ng economic dependence. Commonwealth gov't alleviated problems of FT only. Kaya nireinstate ang FT kasi nakikinabang ang US: may imbalance kasi maraming kailangan ang Filipinos for rehabilitation, so malaki ang market ng US sa atin. Since devastated ang country, kokonti lang din maeexport natin sa US.
#nakatali pa rin tayo after 20 years
#parity rights
**in the Philippine Constitution, ang natural resources natin ay dapat pakinabangan ng mga Filipinos. Parity rights will be given to US to freely use our resources.
**in order for this to happen, you have to make a constitutional amendment. Roxas held a plebiscite, and majority of the Filipinos voted to give parity rights to the US
**this was a bad agreement
###pwede iuwi ng US ang profits
###walang obligation ang US to Phil
**parity rights imply that Filipinos could also use US resources. Pero hindi iaamend ang constitution ng America para sa Filipinos. Kung iaamend man, we don't have the know-how to invest in US
#60 million dollars
**kung hindi natin bibigyan ang American ng Free Trade at Parity Rights, hindi tayo bibigyan ng tig-500 dollars [verify sa book]
**note: 1 billion binigay sa Japan pero sa Pilipinas???... may obligasyon pa tayo sa kanila
!Mindful Bodies
*Schildkrout (author of reading) : Body act as a language
**Body Modifications and Culture
** How the body is a "sheet of paper" upon which culture is written:
###rules (explicit)

There are body parts we write our "rules" on:
* kamay 
* balat
* paa
* mukha
* etc.
!Mindful Bodies
Culture, consisting of shared and learned behavior, also includes ''body management''.

The body is:
# corporeal - the physical body that is taken for granted
# social - where you have the symbols, meanings, rules, interpretations
* example: there are words that you can/can't say out loud like
** pwet
** burnik
* medical language
** there are Latin terms for butt, for example : gluteus maximus.

!! Body management
# the realm of language is important
# practices, common sense are things we take for granted. They are obvious within our own cultural context.
* proxemics - the study of social distance
* kinesics - deals body movement
!Taraka's Ghost
Woman [in this society, e.g. Taraka] becomes an object, in this case, for trade - because there is ''dowry'' involved para maging attractive yung babae.
Sita's tragic circumstances
*friends died
*wasn't able to become a teacher because of the school incident
*blamed herself for Taraka's suicide
*one of her friends died after sexual relations with her husband
!!Philippine Setting
Possession means to take, to own, to claim
In Tagalog, we have 2 translations:
**to join, merge into one
**//sapi// - to be a member of
**to join; domination
The idea about the body reflected here is that it is ''porous''.

Sita's condition points out issues of relationships; caste status; stress; question of identities
These issues manifest through ''embodiment''. These stresses find a cultural outlet, in this case nasapian.
!!!Philippine phrases: 
''nawawala sa sarili'' - natutulala
''nagwawala'' - nawawala yung hiya

The concept of ''sinaniban'' masy be a form of protest against the conditions of life.
In spite of our sovereignty, nacocontrol pa rin tayo
#Bell Trade
**free trade 1946 - 1966
**parity rights
***nagtapos; so the rich bought American businesses and oligarchy became even more powerful
**presence of bases in the Philippines
****1947 US Phil Military Base Agreement
****1949 Mutual Assitance Trade (?)
****But there was a need for American bases - kasi Cold War nung panahon na iyon.
***Provisions 1947
****America can set up any number of bases in any site they choose
****tinulungan ng US ibuild ang Philippine military 
*****''JUSMAG'' (Joint US Military Assitance Group) - the body in charge of bases and military relations
We joined SEATO (SEA treaty organization) which was against communism.

''Result of these policies: The Philippines was a part of US defense system AGAIN.''
!Philippine Presidents
|1946 - 1948|Manuel Roxas|
|1948 - 1954|Elpidio Quirino|
|1954 - 1956|Ramon Magsaysay|
|1957 - 1962|Carlos P. Garcia|
|1962 - 1966|Diosdado Macapagal|
|1966 -1970|Ferdinand Marcos|
|1970 - 1986|Ferdinand Marcos|
|1986 - 1992|Corazon Cojuangco Aquino|
|1992 - 1998|Fidel Ramos|
|1998 - 2002|Joseph Estrada|
|2002 - 2010|GMA|

#Manuel Roxas
**died after 2 years in office
**ok sa kanya yung American interference
**the first to establish neocolonial rule in the Philippines
**VP of Roxas
**won in elections
**resumed Roxas' policies
**main problem: Hukbalahap
**was Quirino's secretary of national defense; successful in putting down the insurgency through agrarian development and military rule
**most popular; but was known as an Amboy (closely allied with American military)
***CIA wanted to set him up as a president, even go to the lengths of starting a coup d'etat if Quirino won (2nd term)
**died in plane crash
**VP din, elected din
**Filipino First Policy - patronization of Philippine products
**wanted to start ''land reform program''
***the gradual buying of big lands from land owners and distributing to tenants
**was an ineffectual leader; oligarchy were able to subdue reforms
**won second term
**initiated Martial Law
**dictator until 1986
***People's Power Revolution
**from 1986
**naging 6 years ang election
!!!More about Marcos
He had a positive image - the reason why he won. He portrayed himself as the Filipino JFK.
!!!!''Four sectors of nationalists at his time''
#political leaders [who wanted] independent policies, e.g. Claro M. Recto, Lorenzo Tañada, Jose Diokno
#journalists, e.g. Renato Constantino
#intellectuals from universities, e.g. Teodoro Agoncillo
!!!!''Mga Batikos kay Marcos:''
#dumami yung prostitutes
#kawalan ng lupain
#Philippines being a part of US defense system
Marcos suspended the ''Writ of Habeas Corpus'' - 
#person can't be arrested without reason, can't be presented in court and defended
#he did this because the problem of communism was serious already
!!!!''Martial Law 1972''
*Military laws
*suspension of operations of civil government... because Enrile was ambushed by insurgents
***Leader: Jose Ma. Sison
***NPA - military arm of CCP under Bernabe Buscayno a.k.a Commander Dante
**MNLF - Moro National Liberation Front; wanted to separate Muslims from the rest of the Philippines
***leader: Nur Misuari
*lasted for 14 years
*reason: Marcos wanted to continue his presidency
*''Conjugal Dictatorship''
**book by Primitivo Mijares; as a consequence, he escaped the country, but his son was found and thrown into the sea
!!!!"Accomplishments" of Marcos
#militarization of gov't - suppressed Filipino people
** a higher portion of budget went to military
#human rights violations
**disappearances, tortures, arrests without charge
#massive corruption
**result of what Marcoses did
**pagkakautang (hanggang ngayon)
#nuclear power plant - inoperable
#personality cult (statues, ex. in PGH)
#pagkakasira ng environment
**nawala ang forests bec. of lumber industry
**from 60% naging 18% ang forest cover
''1986 End of Martial Law''
!Mindful Bodies
!! Bodies in Rituals
Film Viewing
Examples of Martial Arts in the Film
1) Arrnis
2) Silat

''What were the differences between arnis and silat?''
|costume|Katipunero costume - reflection of ideology (pang-revolution)|black attire - reflection of social stratification|

"satria" means warrior
* similar term is Kshatriya, Sanskrit for warrior
* in the Philippines, we use the term "bagani"

Exhibits like the one shown in the film show the ritual form of competition.
# stylized competition
# religious overtones
# body & cosmology

Rituals include symbols, as shown in the ''body movements'' and ''costumes''.
!Linguistic Anthropology

''Languages'' involve:
* phonetics
* grammar
* syntax
* etc.

''Linguistics'' involves:
* structure,
* function of language

''Linguistic Anthropology''
* how language relates to culture
** ex: language in relation to ethnic identity, religion...

Piraha language, pronounced pidanha is unique because
* it has no words for numbers except for //one// and //more than one// (the same word, distinguished by their tone)
* it is an example of a ''tonal language'' : language where the meanings of the words change with the tone
* it has no words for colors
* there is no ''recursion'' in Piraha. Recursion is making statements that occur in the same time, i.e. //The man who is my friend wears a green shirt and black cap that was...// Recursion enables you to say a lot more things.
** this may imply that the Piraha are living in the present and they have no concept of the past
* The Piraha have no sense of history and origin myths
* When the missionary taught the Gospel to them, they did not show interest. Language does not allow the concept of religion to come about
* they have a term, ''"Xi bun"'', which means, going out of experience -- used when someone dies, or when a candle's flame is put out...

!! Biology of Language
Important in producing speech:
# vocal apparatus
# hearing apparatus
# the brain

!!!Vocal apparatus
* ex: the tongue, teeth, larynx

There are 150 phonemes, ex: the "schwa". There is no single language that will take all the phonemes.

!!!Hearing apparatus
Important in producing the correct sound. Those born with hearing deficiency have trouble in correctly pronouncing words.

!!!The Brain
Areas in the brain that are important
# Broca's area
## People with damage in this area may have ''aphasia'', which disables them from forming gramatically complex sentences; "they know what they want to say but can't get it out"
# Wernicke's area (//wer-nickee//)
## has something to do with comprehension
## Wernicke's aphasia : may cause people to produce "meaningless speech"
# temporal lobe
## auditory

''Oliver Sacks'' wrote "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" about some sort of brain impairment.

!! Design features of human language
#Arbitrariness in terms of the sounds
##each culture assigns sounds to mean different things
### ama may mean father, but may also mean yaya or grandmother ("amah")
###titi may mean younger brother.
###Kiki is a popular name in France.
##ability to talk about things that are not present
##can also have a temporal dimension, i.e. the past
#Dual patterning
##blending of one or more signals
###breakfast + lunch = brunch
##may be reduplicative
###ex. "dut" may be an infix that refers to any penetrative action
####hindut - sex; hin may come from "hinhin", i.e. mahinhin : hinhin ng dutdot
#vocal and auditory
#rapid fading
##ability to keep some [spoken?] information in the brain
!US Colonization
!!What is the time period of US Colonization?
1898-1946 is the widely believed time period, but the actual turn-of-events was more complicated than this...

# Treaty of Paris (1898) - Spain gave US the jurisdiction of the Philippines
# Establishment of Military Government (1898-1902)
## time period coincided with the Philippine Revolution against Spain and also the Philippine-American War
# US congress approved the ''Philippine Organic Act'' (1902) wherein:
## a civil government, called "Insular Government of the Philippines", replaced the military government
## William Howard Taft was named the first governor-general
# US congress passed a second law : the ''Philippine Autonomy Act'' (1915), also known as ''Jones Law''
##some provisions in the Philippine Organic Act were revised
##more positions were given to Filipinos than before
# US congress passed the ''Philippine Independence Act'' (1930s)
## this established the ''Commonwealth Government of the Philippines'', inaugurated in November 1935
## the new government had a ten-year life span, after which, the Philippines will be granted independence
## Two Laws in the Philippine Independence Act:
### Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law - was not implemented
### Tydings-McDuffie Law - was implemented
# We should have received our independence by November 1945 (10 years after the inauguration of the Philippine Independence act) ... but the Japanese occupied the Philippines from 1941 - 1945 during World War II
# July 1946 - Independence
Review Guide: Prefinal Exams
Anthro 1
Exam will be on October 5, 2007. A-L at Benton and M-Z at Palma 304.
1.   Differentiate ''language from dialect'', and be able to give ''examples of dialects from English and Tagalog''.
2.   Define ''slang'', ''jargon'', ''pidgin'', ''paralanguage'', ''creole languages''.
3.   Be able to name the ''three most widely spoken languages in the world'', and in the ''Philippines''.
4.   Be able to name ''different types of writing systems'', including what we had in ''precolonial Philippines''.
5.   Explain the ''Sapir-Whorf hypothesis''.
1.    Name some ''practical applications of archaeology''.
2.   Explain what the following artifacts tell us about precolonial Philippines: ''(a) the Laguna Copper Plate, (b) burial jars, (c) gold masks, (d) lingling-o earrings''.
!Biological Anthropology
1.   Explain the difference between ''phenotype'' and ''genotype'' (that will include an ''understanding of dominant and recessive genes'').
2.   Give the ''number of chromosomes humans have'' and the difference between ''autosomal'' and ''sex chromosomes''. Explain ''how the sex chromosomes determine sex''.
3.   Name ''three examples of ecosystems in the Philippines''.
4.   Explain the ''theory of natural selection''.
5.   Give our classification according to ''kingdom'', ''phylum'', ''class'', ''order'', ''family'', ''genus'', ''species''.
6.   Give examples of ''prosimians, monkeys and apes'', including ''those found in the Philippines''.
7.   You will not be required to memorize the fossil names (save that for Anthro 101) but be able to tell me ''which Homo species are found in Asia, and which ones might be found in the Philippines''. Also, ''which Homo species co-existed'' (but not necessarily met).
8.   Name the ''most important physical characteristics humans have'' and ''why they are significant in relation to our evolution.''

//desarrollo - development//

In English - "Progressive Verbs"

Structure: ''ESTAR + gerundio''

!!Formation of gerundio
''verbo infinitivo + ando''
ex. hablar -> hablando
''verbo infinitivo + @@iendo@@''
*beber -> bebiendo
*escribir -> escribiendo

from Acostar - "to go to bed"
//To make acostar into a progressive and reflexive verb...//
#Yo estoy acostando''me''.
**Me = reflexive pronoun, since you put yourself to bed...
#Yo me estoy acostando.
**think of //estoy acostando// as a perifrases. ''pronoun before verb.''

Summary of Archaeological Findings in the Philippines

1.7 – 1.0 million years BP: Plio-Pleistocene period. Stegodon and elephas in Philippines (Antipolo)

750,000 – 500,000 BP: Fossilized elephas skull, jaws, molar from Tuao, Cagayan. Earliest dated flake tools in Solana, Cagayan.

25,000 years BP: Homo sapiens sapiens from Tabon Caves in Quezon, Palawan.

25,000 years BP – 10,000 years BP: Ice Age (glacial period) with sea levels lowered by 120 meters and creating land bridges connecting Philippine archipelago to Asian continent. Philippines itself had several large conglomerated islands, e.g., Greater Negros-Panay, Greater Mindanao, etc.

10,000 BP – 2500 BP. Neolithic period. Evidence of stone tools, pottery from various sites (Cagayan, Palawan, Tawi-Tawi). Polished shell tools and disks. Evidence of rice cultivation from Andaraya, Cagayan, dating back to 1450-1290 BC. (Cagayan, Palawan, Tawi-Tawi)

1st century BC – 6th century AD: Metal Age. Bronze objects, glass and stone beads and bracelets, metal implements, backloom weaving. Polished shell tools and disks. Many different sites (Palawan, Saranggani, Surigao del Norte – including oldest dated boat, Negros Oriental, Sorsogon)

6th to 16th centuries AD: Age of Contact. Trading relations with neighboring islands, as well as with mainland Southeast Asia and China. Chiefdoms. Arrival of Islam through Arab traders in 2nd half of 14th century. Many artefacts from ceramics to gold masks. 10th century copper plate from Laguna certifying emancipation of a former alipin.

Findings from the 16th century onwards (Spanish colonization) are covered by historical archaeology and ethnoarchaeology. This includes church grounds, cemeteries, garbage dumps. . .

Human Evolution: A Brief Outline
M. L. Tan
September 2007

!Basic Genetics:
''Chromosomes'' are like chapters. Each chapter contains several thousand stories called ''genes'', made up of ''DNA''. (From: Matthew Ridley, 2000. Genome. New York: HarperCollins.)

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes.

''Genotype'': genetic make-up.

''Phenotype'': physical expression of genes, depends on dominant and recessive traits. If one parent has a dominant allele, 50% chance the child will possess the trait. If both parents have it, probability increases to 75 percent.

An ''allele'' is one of several varieties of a gene. For example, in pea plants, there are two alleles of the gene for flower color: the purple allele and the white allele.

!!Causes of Changes in Allele Frequencies:
1.   ''Natural selection''
2.   ''Mutations''
3.   ''Gene flow:'' mixing of genes as populations within a species move about and interbreed.
4.   ''Genetic drift:'' splitting of populations to found new populations with new sets of gene frequencies. 
''Founder effect'', when allele frequencies of migrating individuals are, by chance, not the same as the population of origin. (E.g A small group of Germans that migrated to Pennsylvania carried an allele for polydactylism.) With prolonged separation of two populations, differences may be so sharp that interbreeding is no longer possible ? ''speciation''.
5.   ''Nonrandom mating'': inbreeding, sexual selection.

''Darwinian evolution'' – natural selection. First laid out in his book ''On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection'', or the ''Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life''.
!!!Patterns of evolution:
1.   ''Divergent evolution:'' 2 or more species originating from a common ancestor.
2.   ''Convergent evolution:'' unrelated species sharing similar traits (e.g., sharks, porpoises, penguins have torpedo-shaped bodies with peripheral fins, but are not related. Traits were adaptations to aquatic life.)
3.   ''Parallel evolution:'' similar evolutionary changes after divergence from a common ancestor (e.g., marsupials and placentals have similar adaptations).
4.   ''Coevolution:'' predator and prey; plants and plant-eating insects, pathogens and immune systems of animals.
!!Ecosystems and biodiversity
The Philippines has more than 38,000 animal and about 15,000 plant species in various ecosystems. Between 45 and 60% of plant species are found only in the Philippines. For orchids alone, we have 800 to 1000 species.

More than 200 animal species are classified as threatened.
#''terrestrial'' (different types of forests, grasslands, beach forest)
#''freshwater'' (lacustrine or lakes and ponds, riverine, palustrine or marshes)
#''brackish'' (mangrove, nipa swamp)
#''saltwater'' or ''marine'' (mudflats, seagrass belts, coral reefs) 
#''special'' ones like caves.
In the early 1930s, Philippine forest cover was about 17 million hectares, including 1 million hectares of old-growth forest. By 1990, only 800,000 hectares were classified as old-growth forest.

There is some hope: between 1985 and 2004, forest cover increased from 5.4 million hectares to 7.2 million.

//Source: Corazon Catibog-Sinha and Lawrence R. Heaney. 2006. Philippine Biodiversity. Quezon City: Haribon Foundation.//
!Where do we belong?
|Species|Sapiens (wise)|

Other four kingdoms: Monera, protists, fungi, plants
Remember: Taxonomies for fossils are often hotly debated.

!!!Suborder Prosimii (Prosimians)
Three families found only on the island of Madagascar. 
Family Tarsiidae found only in Indonesia and the Philippines.
!!!Suborder Anthropoidea (“higher primates") divided into two infraorders:
#Platyrrhini (“flat-nosed), monkeys found only in the New World
#Catarrhini (curved or hooked nose), which has two superfamilies:
##Cercopithecoidea (Old World monkeys), e.g., baboons, macaques (including our unggoy, Macaca spp.)
##Hominoidea (apes and humans). 
###Extinct ape species include Dryopithecus, Gigantopithecus, Ramapithecus. 
###Examples of extant apes are gibbons (Hylobates spp.), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), orangutans (Pongo spp.) and chimpanzees (bonobos or Pan paniscus and chimpanzees or Pan troglodytes). Chimpanzees are our closest relatives among the extant apes with about 98% shared genes.
!!!HOMINIDS (Family Hominidae).
[All non-Homo species found only in Africa. Most non-Homo species found in East Africa. ]
#Sahelanthropus tchadensis (7 mya.), “Toumai”. Reported in July 2002. Still controversial, but challenges many existing theories about human evolution because it has more “primitive” ape chacteristics combined with more “advanced” human features.
#Orrorin tugenensis. (6 mya.) Discovered December 2000 in Ethiopia. Little information but researchers say O. tugenensis was probably bipedal.
#Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4 to 6 mya.). Probably bipedal. About 122 cm (4'0) tall. Apparently forest dwellers. Recent (2001) findings suggest an older type, Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba.
#Kenyanthropus platyops (3.2 to 3.5 mya). Skull fragments from Lake Turkana, Kenya. Flat face, small teeth. Reported in March 2001.
#Gracile (“lighter”) austrolopithecines:
##Australopithecus anamensis (3.9 to 4.2 mya. Mainly jaws and teeth and a partial tibia. Strong evidence of bipedality. Teeth and jaws similar to older fossil apes. )
##A. bahrelghazali (4 mya. Only jaws and teeth found)
##A.   afarensis (“Lucy”. 3 – 3.9 mya.) Ape-like arms suited for upright stance and two-legged gait. Sexual dimorphism. Height between 107 cm [3'6] and 152 cm [5'0]. Site at Laetoli yielded footprints of two individuals walking side by side.
##A. garhi (2.5 mya.) Stone tools, probably first to eat meat.
##A. africanus (2.3 to 3 mya. Higher, rounder braincase than A. afarensis. Bipedal, larger than A. afarensis. Jaws parabolic, teeth similar to humans.)
#Robust australopithecines (also sometimes referred to by the genus name Paranthropus.)
##A. aethiopicus (2.2 to 2.6 mya. Sometimes grouped with A. boisei). Massive chewing muscles. Small skull.
##A. boisei (1 to 2.6 mya) Largest molars of any hominid. Powerful upper body
##A. robustus (1.2 to 2 mya) Flatter face. Larger skull.
#Homo habilis (1.6 to 2.5 mya) Larger brain, smaller teeth. About 127 cm (5'0) tall. Probably capable of rudimentary speech. Simple flaked tools (“habilis” – handyman.) Probably scavengers.
#H. rudolfensis (sometimes grouped with A. aethiopicus, others with H. habilis). (1.9 to 2.5 mya) Long broad face with flatter brow ridges. Larger brain case than H. habilis)
#H. ergaster (sometimes grouped with H. erectus. 1.4 to 1.8 mya) Smaller jaws, more projecting nose. “Modern” arm and leg proportions.
#H. erectus (300,000 yrs to 1.8 mya.). Brain 750 to 1225 cc. Includes “Peking Man”, “Java Man”, “Turkana Boy”. Evidence of use of fire with more sophisticated tools than H. habilis. Bifacial hand axes (“Swiss Army rocks”).
#H. floresiensis (18,000 to 30,000 years ago). Flores Island, Indonesia. About 1 m tall.
#H. antecessor. 80,000 years BP.
#H. heidelbergensis. 10,000 to 60,000 years BP.
#H. neanderthalensis. 30,000 to 250,000 years BP.
#H. sapiens sapiens (120,000 yrs ago to present) Brain size average 1350 cc. Includes Cro-Magnon man. Fine artwork. Smaller molars, decreased robustness.

See the Smithsonian Institute's Human Origins Program website for more information.

For more information on Homo floresiensis, see

*''Hominid'' - the group consisting of all modern and extinct Great Apes (that is, modern humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orang-utans plus all their immediate ancestors).
*''Hominin'' - the group consisting of modern humans, extinct human species and all our immediate ancestors (including members of the genera Homo, Australopithecus, Paranthropus and Ardipithecus).
!What makes humans humans?
#Brain size: Adults 1350 cc. (Early Homo spp., 600 to 750 cc., Australopithecus 400 – 500 cc, chimps 390 cc). Developed cortex.
#Bipedalism. Frees hands for food gathering.
#Erect posture. Offers less surface to absorb sun's heat and exposes more skin to moving air, to keep cool on open plains.
#Flat face, reduced canines.
#Prolonged childhood and adolescence.
Evolution not “progressive” or moving toward perfection. Many “trade-offs”: 
*bipedalism is precarious too. We can't run as fast as many other animals, and have difficulties with balancing. Development of female pelvis did not correspond to expansion of the skull – thus occasional difficulties with childbirth.
Think about the interactions of genetics and culture.
#How do marriage and mating patterns affect genetics?
#Besides marriage and sex, what other human activities impact on gene frequencies?
#How have cultures interpreted, and responded to genetic variations and disorders?
#Given the 17 possible variations for X and Y chromosomes, how are our gender categories affected?
#What have humans done to “nature” in terms of natural selection. (Think of plant and animal breeding.)
#How might the new discoveries in genetics impact on societies and cultures in terms of laws and State involvement? In terms of religion, ethics and morality?
!Acciones del futuro
"I will"
*Voy a estudiar.
*Voy a comprar un libro.
*Voy a leer el periodico.
!!Form of acciones del futuro
|Voy|a|forma infinitiva|

!!For reflexive verbs...
Voy a levantar''me'' a las siete y media.
//I am going to wake up at 7:30.//

Nosotros vamos a dormir''nos'' temprano.
//We are going to sleep early.//

!!!Some important words/phrases
*cuantos cumples?
**how old will you be?
*por supuesto
**of course
*voy a vivir ''hasta'' la edad de 100
**I am going to live until the age of 100.
//Anthro 1
M. L. Tan
1st Semester, 2007-2008//

''Anthropological linguistics'' and ''sociolinguistics'' are concerned with the __social context of language__, specifically __the way language interacts with social institutions and with culture__. This includes:
* ethnographies of communication (eg how to say goodbye)
*looking at why languages change in sounds, lexicon, grammar, syntax
*the ways people use language

We also look at how language functions in relation to identity. 

Linguistics has influenced anthropological methods, especially through __discourse__ and __text analysis__.
Finally, we are interested in __cross-cultural aspects of language (spoken and non-spoken)__.

!!Language appartatus:

#''Human vocal apparatus''
#''Broca's area'': coordinating movements in the vocal apparatus. 
#''Wernicke's area'': understanding of words. 
#''Cortex'' for abstractions, projections.

!!Language Families

There are about 6000 languages today, although there may have been more than 10,000 at one time. About half of existing languages have fewer than 10,000 speakers.

The Summer Institute of Linguistics counts 171 living languages for the Philippines.

Top 10 Languages in the World and number of speakers (millions): Chinese (Putonghua or Mandarin) 885, English (322), Spanish (266), Bengal (189), Hindi (182), Portuguese (170), Russian (170), Japanese (125), German (98), Chinese (Wu) (77).

Most Widely Spoken Philippine Languages (based on 2000 figures): Tagalog (10.5 M native speakers, 40 M as national language), Cebuano (12 M), Ilokano (5.3 M), Hiligaynon (4.5M), Bicolano (3.3 M), Waray (2.2 M), Pampangan (1.9 M), Pangasinan (1.6 M), Maranao (603,000), Ibanag (500,000), Tausug (492,000).

!!!Major Language Families in the ~Asia-Pacific region

**Branches: ~Indo-Iranian (including most languages spoken in the Indian subcontinent), Germanic (including English), Romance (Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese)
#~Sino-Tibetan (many tonal languages)
#Austronesian (about 1200 languages, including Philippine languages. Many use reduplication, with a base word becoming a prefix, suffix, infix to create new meanings.)

!!Important Definitions

#''Cognates:'' words from different languages with similar meanings and sounds.
#''Dialect:'' a language variety, sometimes refers as well to variations in grammar or vocabulary that defines regional or social background of the user. For example, the Summer Institute of Linguistics lists the following Tagalog dialects: Lubang, Manila, Marinduque, Bataan, Batangas, Bulacan, ~Tanay-Paete, Tayabas.
#''Diglossia:'' use of two varieties of a language, each with a distinct set of social functions.
#''Jargon:'' technical language of a special field (e.g., legalese, medicalese)
#''Slang:'' informal, non-standard vocabulary.
#''Paralanguage:'' features of speech or body language. This can be very significant in many cultures. A good anthropologist should learn to “read” such language and its underlying rules.
#''Pidgin:'' language with reduced range of structure and use, with no “native speakers” When it does become the mother tongue of a community, it is called a ''creole language''. (Examples in the Philippines: Chavacano, Caviteno, Davaueno, Bamboo Spanish.)
#''Portmanteau:'' process by which morphemes blend into one another to form a new word.

!!Some important design features of human language:
#''Arbitrariness:'' there is no necessary casual connection between a signal or sound and its meaning.
#''Discreteness:'' distinct units used in communication and which cannot be mistaken for the other.
#''Displacement:'' ability to talk about something or someone that is not present.
#''Rapid fading:'' spoken language sounds do not last long (but linger in our minds!).
#''Vocal auditory channels:'' we use speaking and hearing.

!!Written systems:
#''Alphabets:'' graphic signs represent vowels and consonants
#''Syllabaries:'' graphic signs represent syllables
#''Logographies:'' graphic signs represent a word
#''Logosyllabaries:'' combinations of syllabaries and logographs.

''~Sapir-Whorf hypothesis:'' 
*Language determines the way we think ''(linguistic determinism)''. 
*Distinctions encoded in one language are not found in any other language ''(linguistic relativity)''.


David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. – A print-out is on file. Please read through and familiarize yourself with the language names.
*to begin/start
empezar + a + infinitivo

Por ejemplo:
Empiezo ''a'' estudiar.
//I begin to study.//
*to leave
salir + de + infinitivo

Por ejemplo:
Sale ''de'' trabajar
//leave from work//
!Before and After
Antes (before) + ''de'' + infinitivo
Despues (after) + ''de'' + infinitivo
ex. antes de cenar
//before to have dinner//
!Dar un paseo
to take a walk
Lori's College Notes :-O
College Notes
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	backupFailed: "Failed to upload backup file",
	rssSaved: "RSS feed uploaded",
	rssFailed: "Failed to upload RSS feed file",
	emptySaved: "Empty template uploaded",
	emptyFailed: "Failed to upload empty template file",
	mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded",
	mainFailed: "Failed to upload main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
	//specific upload
	loadOriginalHttpPostError: "Can't get original file",
	aboutToSaveOnHttpPost: 'About to upload on %0 ...',
	storePhpNotFound: "The store script '%0' was not found."

bidix.upload.uploadChanges = function(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers,storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password)
	var callback = function(status,uploadParams,original,url,xhr) {
		if (!status) {
		if (bidix.debugMode) 
		// Locate the storeArea div's 
		var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
		if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	if(onlyIfDirty && !store.isDirty())
	// save on localdisk ?
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "file") {
		var path = document.location.toString();
		var localPath = getLocalPath(path);
	// get original
	var uploadParams = Array(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password);
	var originalPath = document.location.toString();
	// If url is a directory : add index.html
	if (originalPath.charAt(originalPath.length-1) == "/")
		originalPath = originalPath + "index.html";
	var dest = config.macros.upload.destFile(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir);
	var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
	log.startUpload(storeUrl, dest, uploadDir,  backupDir);
	if (bidix.debugMode) 
		alert("about to execute Http - GET on "+originalPath);
	var r = doHttp("GET",originalPath,null,null,null,null,callback,uploadParams,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

bidix.upload.uploadRss = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		if(status) {
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadRss
	if(config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed) {
		var rssPath = uploadParams[1].substr(0,uploadParams[1].lastIndexOf(".")) + ".xml";
		var rssUploadParams = Array(uploadParams[0],rssPath,uploadParams[2],'',uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5]);
	} else {

bidix.upload.uploadMain = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
		if(status) {
			// if backupDir specified
			if ((params[3]) && (responseText.indexOf("backupfile:") > -1))  {
				var backupfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")+11,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")));
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadMain
	var revised = bidix.upload.updateOriginal(original,posDiv);

bidix.upload.httpUpload = function(uploadParams,data,callback,params)
	var localCallback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		url = (url.indexOf("nocache=") < 0 ? url : url.substring(0,url.indexOf("nocache=")-1));
		if (xhr.status == httpStatus.NotFound)
		if ((bidix.debugMode) || (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )) {
			if (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )
				responseText = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("\n\n")+2);
		} else if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0') 
		if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0')
			status = null;
	// do httpUpload
	var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x";	
	var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin";
	// compose headers data
	var sheader = "";
	sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
	sheader += uploadFormName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
	sheader += "backupDir="+uploadParams[3] +
				";user=" + uploadParams[4] +
				";password=" + uploadParams[5] +
				";uploaddir=" + uploadParams[2];
	if (bidix.debugMode)
		sheader += ";debug=1";
	sheader += ";;\r\n"; 
	sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\""+uploadParams[1]+"\"\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8" + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Length: " + data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
	// compose trailer data
	var strailer = new String();
	strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
	data = sheader + data + strailer;
	if (bidix.debugMode) alert("about to execute Http - POST on "+uploadParams[0]+"\n with \n"+data.substr(0,500)+ " ... ");
	var r = doHttp("POST",uploadParams[0],data,"multipart/form-data; boundary="+boundary,uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5],localCallback,params,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

// same as Saving's updateOriginal but without convertUnicodeToUTF8 calls
bidix.upload.updateOriginal = function(original, posDiv)
	if (!posDiv)
		posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
	if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	var revised = original.substr(0,posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + "\n" +
				store.allTiddlersAsHtml() + "\n" +
	var newSiteTitle = getPageTitle().htmlEncode();
	revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " ");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-HEAD","MarkupPreHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-HEAD","MarkupPostHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-BODY","MarkupPreBody");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-SCRIPT","MarkupPostBody");
	return revised;

// UploadLog
// config.options.chkUploadLog :
//		false : no logging
//		true : logging
// config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine :
//		-1 : no limit
//      0 :  no Log lines but UploadLog is still in place
//		n :  the last n lines are only kept
//		NaN : no limit (-1)

bidix.UploadLog = function() {
	if (!config.options.chkUploadLog) 
		return; // this.tiddler = null
	this.tiddler = store.getTiddler("UploadLog");
	if (!this.tiddler) {
		this.tiddler = new Tiddler();
		this.tiddler.title = "UploadLog";
		this.tiddler.text = "| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |";
		this.tiddler.created = new Date();
		this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
		this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	return this;

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.addText = function(text) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	// retrieve maxLine when we need it
	var maxLine = parseInt(config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine,10);
	if (isNaN(maxLine))
		maxLine = -1;
	// add text
	if (maxLine != 0) 
		this.tiddler.text = this.tiddler.text + text;
	// Trunck to maxLine
	if (maxLine >= 0) {
		var textArray = this.tiddler.text.split('\n');
		if (textArray.length > maxLine + 1)
			this.tiddler.text = textArray.join('\n');		
	// update tiddler fields
	this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
	this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	// refresh and notifiy for immediate update
	store.notify(this.tiddler.title, true);

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.startUpload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir,  backupDir) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	var now = new Date();
	var text = "\n| ";
	var filename = bidix.basename(document.location.toString());
	if (!filename) filename = '/';
	text += now.formatString("0DD/0MM/YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss") +" | ";
	text += config.options.txtUserName + " | ";
	text += "[["+filename+"|"+location + "]] |";
	text += " [[" + bidix.basename(storeUrl) + "|" + storeUrl + "]] | ";
	text += uploadDir + " | ";
	text += "[[" + bidix.basename(toFilename) + " | " +toFilename + "]] | ";
	text += backupDir + " |";

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.endUpload = function(status) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	this.addText(" "+status+" |");

// Utilities

bidix.checkPlugin = function(plugin, major, minor, revision) {
	var ext = version.extensions[plugin];
	if (!
		(ext  && 
			((ext.major > major) || 
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor > minor))  ||
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor == minor) && (ext.revision >= revision))))) {
			// write error in PluginManager
			if (pluginInfo)
				pluginInfo.log.push("Requires " + plugin + " " + major + "." + minor + "." + revision);
			eval(plugin); // generate an error : "Error: ReferenceError: xxxx is not defined"

bidix.dirname = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	} else {
		return filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"));

bidix.basename = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("#")) != -1) 
		filePath = filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(lastpos + 1);
	} else
		return filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);

bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
	if (!config.options[name])
		config.options[name] = value;

// Initializations

// require PasswordOptionPlugin 1.0.1 or better
bidix.checkPlugin("PasswordOptionPlugin", 1, 0, 1);

// styleSheet
setStylesheet('.txtUploadStoreUrl, .txtUploadBackupDir, .txtUploadDir {width: 22em;}',"uploadPluginStyles");

	txtUploadStoreUrl: "Url of the UploadService script (default: store.php)",
	txtUploadFilename: "Filename of the uploaded file (default: in index.html)",
	txtUploadDir: "Relative Directory where to store the file (default: . (downloadService directory))",
	txtUploadBackupDir: "Relative Directory where to backup the file. If empty no backup. (default: ''(empty))",
	txtUploadUserName: "Upload Username",
	pasUploadPassword: "Upload Password",
	chkUploadLog: "do Logging in UploadLog (default: true)",
	txtUploadLogMaxLine: "Maximum of lines in UploadLog (default: 10)"

// Options Initializations

/* don't want this for tiddlyspot sites

// Backstage
	uploadOptions: {text: "upload", tooltip: "Change UploadOptions and Upload", content: '<<uploadOptions>>'}



Sir Tan
Anthro10 MHV
Sir Felipe Jocano
Prof. Digna Apilado
First Year, first sem
Span10 MHY
Prof. Santillan
College Subjects